Thursday, May 11, 2017

Web Quest Reflection

 Taking these images taught me about different angles at which I should take pictures and how to make an image at the highest resolution at which it can be. My favorite photo to capture was the dog because the dog looks peaceful and its a calm photo. It is also my favorite because the dog is off to the side to show simplification. I noticed why simplification is so important because as I look at photos that use this composition I notice an image does look way more appealing. Another one of my favorite compositions is the Rule of Odds. I did not even know what it was in the beginning of this project but I actually think it is really cool and you can create a lot of stories with this composition. This project taught me a lot about how each composition should be used and a great reminder of what each of them are. This project was very useful for relearning all of the compositions again. 

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